Monday 11 February 2008

Spring cleaning

It must be spring. I've actually made some progress on things so something certainly changed.

Unfortunately I was working part of the weekend so couldn't make the most of the proper spring-like weather we had. I did have Sunday afternoon free though and spent it dismantling the race car, removing all the ancillaries from the engine and getting ready to lift it out. It will need new bearings at least after last season's racing. Once I get it over to the engine builders we will find out whether it needs anything else doing as well.

The big news this week is that I've had a clear out and sold my Ford Transit recovery truck. It's kept me on the road for the last three years moving the race car around but it had to go to help fund all the work I need to do on the other vehicles. In particular the van and trailer that I intend to use for the race meetings in future. The Transit was starting to deteriorate (read "rust") and was at the point where it needed salvaging before it became too bad. Anyway, the new owner seems quite pleased with it and collected it today. The front of my house might actually look quite respectable soon what with the engine no longer hanging out of the van and no rusty transit clogging up the road outside!

I also dropped off the frames we made two weekends ago to be powder coated so I might be able to start on the interior of the van too once I've got them back next week.

It's only February though. I'm looking forward to the real spring and summer already.

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