I've tried a lot of things now so here's a list (more for my reference than anything)
- Changed condenser (no change)
- Changed points (and then changed back as the new ones were rubbish, but didn't alter the misfire anyway)
- Tried a different coil (didn't help)
- Made the mixture richer than normal (made things worse so I put it back)
- Made the mixture leaner than normal (didn't help so I put it back)
- Got rid of the points and condenser altogether by fitting a magnetronic system. This also meant fitting an entirely new distributor (still no change to the misfire)
- Changed the main HT lead from the coil to the distributor (no change)
I also drained the oil catch tank today and was somewhat alarmed when almost a litre of bronze coloured water (or what appeared to be water) came out along with the expected small amount of white frothy oil/water mixture. I can only assume that it was a years worth of condensation as I hadn't drained the tank for ages. There did seem to be rather a lot of it though and it was a strange colour. I'll have to keep an eye on the tank and see if it starts to build up again.

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